Join us in Carlsbad, CA - 8/21 - 8/23!

We believe that true innovation comes from meeting, and listening to, a variety of perspectives. To that end, we are committed to building a diverse and inclusive conference. This year, we are rolling out our first ever Opportunity Scholarship, a program designed to ensure that anyone, and everyone, has the opportunity to participate in the unique JSConf experience.

We would like to express our deepest thanks to the companies and individuals who have donated to our Scholarship Program. Through their support, we hope to invite as many deserving people as possible who would otherwise unable to attend.


Anyone from an underrepresented group in technology is invited to apply for a scholarship. This includes, but is not limited to: people of color, people with disabilities, people who identify as LGBTQIA+, indigenous people and other citizens of sovereign nations, women and non-binary people, those facing economic or social hardships, and veterans/service members.


  • Must agree to follow our Code of Conduct
  • Must be 18 years old or over
  • Must be able to attend the full JSConf US 2018 schedule

What's Included

All scholarship awardees will be provided with a full access ticket to the entire conference, including all talks, activities, meals, and social events. Travel and accommodation reimbursement may be available, depending on our scholarship budget, and will be awarded on a case-by-case basis.

Application Process

All applicants will fill out an on-line scholarship application form. This form will contain the basics like your name and contact information as well as a free-form text area. This is your chance to tell us your story!

Once the scholarship application window closes, our scholarship selection committee will review all of the submitted applications. They will then award scholarships based on our eligibility criteria and the details of each applicant's story.

We value your time, and we understand that planning several days away from work and/or family can be stressful. We will notify all applicants of the outcome of their application as soon as our selection committee has finished. In the event that a scholarship awardee is unable to accept, the unfulfilled scholarship will be offered to the next eligible applicant, time permitting.


If you have any questions about our Opportunity Scholarship, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or via Twitter by tweeting at @JSConfUS. DMs are open!

Want to Contribute?

Help us continue to grow our community by inspiring a whole new group of people to join the amazing JavaScript community!

If you are an individual, we offer several ticket packages that contribute towards our scholarship budget.

If you are a company, a portion of all sponsorship fees go towards funding our Opportunity Scholarship program. Our Diversity Support sponsorship is also available as an add-on to any existing sponsorship level. Check out our sponsorship page for more information on sponsoring JSConf US.